Kevin Bacon Partners With America's Egg Farmers

PARK RIDGE, Ill. — Nobody knows eggs better than bacon, which is why America's egg farmers are teaming up with the most famous bacon of all, Kevin Bacon. The new marketing campaign, slated to launch March 13, is an integrated promotional effort that will bring attention to the many nutritional benefits of the Incredible Edible Egg, just in time for Easter.

"With a last name like Bacon, I'm the obvious choice, and I'm excited to be a part of the new Incredible Edible Egg campaign," said Kevin Bacon. "I like the creativity behind the idea, and I've always been a big fan of eggs. They're a nutritional powerhouse and I never get tired of them because there are so many ways you can eat them."

The actor will be featured in a variety of online video, print, digital and social media ads throughout the next year. Grey New York is the American Egg Board's creative agency, Starcom handles media planning and buying, and Edelman oversees PR and social media.

"Kevin Bacon brings real star power to the world of eggs and we think consumers are going to love this clever new version of bacon and eggs," said Kevin Burkum, American Egg Board's senior vice president of marketing. "And, there's no better time to talk about eggs with consumption at its highest level in three decades and Easter right around the corner."

The USDA reports that per-capita egg consumption grew to 260 in 2014, increasing by more than a dozen eggs per person in the last five years. Many factors are fueling the spike in egg consumption, including growing interest in protein, health professionals viewing eggs more positively, and the affordability of eggs compared to other breakfast foods. 

"Clearly, eggs are on a roll. We hope to build on this positive momentum with everyone's favorite bacon, Kevin Bacon," said Burkum.

Check out the dynamic duo, Kevin Bacon and the Incredible Edible Egg, like you've never seen them before in this behind-the-scenes video. For more information about egg nutrition or Easter egg tips and recipes, visit us at, or on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

About the American Egg Board (AEB)
AEB connects America's egg farmers with consumers, communicates the value of the Incredible Edible Egg™ and receives funding from a national legislative checkoff on all egg production from companies with more than 75,000 hens in the continental United States. The board consists of 18 members and 18 alternates from all regions of the country who are appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture. The AEB staff carries out the programs under the board's direction. AEB is located in Park Ridge, Ill. Visit for more information.

Source: American Egg Board