American Cheeses To Try Right Now

The label 'American cheese' gets a bad rap because of plastic-wrapped singles. Though some may argue the processed cheese slices are the necessary ingredient for the best grilled cheese sandwich, it's safe to say you won't see those slimy suckers flopping onto the cheese plate du jour any time soon.

But American cheese – American-made cheese, that is – isn't as flimsy as its made out to be. And fromager Dimitri Saad says it's about time our cheese plate is proud to be an American.

Five American-Made Cheeses to Try Right Now: Dimitri Saad

1. O’Banon, Capriole Dairy

"Located in southern Indiana, cheesemaker Judy Schad and her family bought the farm in 1976. They brought in their first goat the following year, and now maintain a self-sustaining herd of about 500. They make several award-winning cheeses. The O’Banon is an American twist on a French classic. This fresh and rindless goat cheese is wrapped in chestnut leaves that have been soaked in Woodford Reserve Bourbon.

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