CheeseChick Productions Launches 30 Years Of Cheese Champions

PHOENIX – In celebration of the American Cheese Society’s 30th anniversary in 2013, former ACS President Christine Hyatt today announces the launch of a photography project highlighting 30 years of Best in Show cheese champions.

The “ACS 30th Anniversary Best of Show Photo Exhibit” aims to showcase the evolution and beauty of champion cheeses in North America since the American Cheese Society (ACS) began in 1983 and named its first Best in Show cheese in 1987. Each winning cheese will appear on a commemorative poster distributed to attendees at the 2013 ACS conference in Madison, Wis. The project will culminate in a video slideshow to be screened at the 2013 ACS Awards Ceremony.

Hyatt is the founder and creative director of CheeseChick Productions, a boutique marketing agency specializing in telling the story of handcrafted cheese. She’s acted as the “unofficial ACS historian” since 2008, when she produced a 25th anniversary video for ACS, a membership organization promoting and supporting American cheeses.

“Every Best of Show cheesemaker deserves a beauty shot of their champion cheese,” Hyatt said. “With this project, I’m aiming to promote and celebrate Best of Show winning cheesemakers while honoring the American Cheese Society and its contribution to our evolving cheese landscape over the last three decades.”

Funded completely by participating cheesemakers, each past winning cheese will be profiled in a series of high-resolution portraits highlighting the beauty of the wheel, the rind & paste, the cheese plated for serving and paired with complementary wine, beer and accompaniments.

ACS Best in Show cheeses and sponsoring cheese companies include:

  • Aged Raclette, Leelanau Cheese, Michigan
  • Beecher’s Flagsheep, Beecher’s Handmade Cheese, Washington
  • Blue Bonnet, Westfield Farm, Massachusetts
  • Cabot Clothbound, Cabot Cheese and Cellars of Jasper Hill, Vermont
  • Dry Jack, Vella Cheese, California
  • Farmhouse Cheddar, Shelburne Farms, Vermont
  • Farmhouse Cheese, Vermont Shepherd, Vermont
  • Gran Canaria, Carr Valley Cheese, Wisconsin
  • Grand Cru Gruyere, Emmi Roth USA, Wisconsin
  • Hubbardston Blue, Westfield Farm, Massachusetts
  • Pleasant Ridge Reserve, Uplands Cheese, Wisconsin
  • Red Hawk, Cowgirl Creamery, California
  • Rogue River Blue, Rogue Creamery, Oregon
  • Snow White Goat Cheese, Carr Valley Cheese, Wisconsin
  • Trade Lake Cedar, LoveTree Farmstead Cheese, Wisconsin
  • Wabash Cannonball, Capriole Cheese, Indiana

Cheese photos will be processed, uploaded and shared over multiple social media networks, including Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Images will also be showcased on the ACS website to become part of the society’s history and legacy.

Follow the project on Facebook @CheeseChickProductions. For more information, contact Hyatt at 503-704-2984 or email .

CheeseChick Productions specializes in capturing the beauty and story of handcrafted cheese and the people who make it. Our photographers, videographers, editors and copywriters collaborate to create compelling content for cheesemakers via magazine-worthy food photography, high-quality videos, interactive food marketing campaigns, webinars and targeted social media campaigns. Learn more at

Source: CheeseChick Productions