Intellifresh Ensures A Perfect Cup Of Coffee Every Time

Curtis introduces IntelliFresh, an exciting new advancement for the Curtis Gemini Brewing Systems. Every operator knows that maintaining ideal temperature is imperative to brewing and holding the perfect cup of coffee. Coffee that is held incorrectly can get cold or “cooked” and has to be thrown away creating waste and reducing profitability. But with Curtis IntelliFresh, you can be sure of perfect heat, perfect timing and perfect brewing so your coffee maintains its flavor and quality.

Once the “brew” button is pushed, IntelliFresh goes to work – maintaining pre-programmed freshness requirements and desired serving temperature. IntelliFresh insulated satellite servers feature a unique server connection that literally “remembers” settings both at the brewer and on their remote serving stand as well.

Curtis’ exclusive design envelops the satellite with gentle, digitally-controlled bursts of warmth to bathe the coffee with heat and precisely maintain optimum temperature without “cooking” and destroying its flavor. An LED reminds you when it’s time to make a new batch. Curtis has also engineered this system for easy maintenance and cleaning. The Satellite unit features a unique design that stands up to washing while providing you with years of dependable service.

Source: Wilbur Curtis Co., Inc.