The Perfect Fall Cheese Plate

Now that braised meats and slow-cooked stews are replacing quick summer BBQs, you’ll want a cheeseboard with staying power for cold-weather dinner parties. Nibble away as you sip an aperitif, keep it on the table for pre-dessert grazing, then strategically place it within arm’s reach of the couch while enjoying after-dinner digestifs (or second helpings of pie).

I’ve chosen the following cheeses not only for their mouth-watering qualities, but also because they will stay in top form when left out over the course of an evening. Mainly semi-firm cheeses whose flavours will bloom at room temperature, they are also no muss, no fuss. Just cut off a slice and carry it around with your wine or beer. Crackers optional.

Keep accompaniments simple – all four cheeses have lots of character so let them shine. Crisp slices of fall apples would make a nice textural contrast and a pile of thinly sliced prosciutto or salami would complete the picture.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Globe And Mail.