Banks Show Confidence In Royal FloraHolland's Strategy

Royal FloraHolland has just concluded a new credit facility worth €195 million. This will allow us plenty of opportunity to invest over the coming years in digitalisation and daily service provision, among other possibilities. The new credit line from three banks shows that they have a lot of confidence in our strategy.

Royal FloraHolland is choosing a clear path for 2018. We are setting three priorities:

  1. Floriday, the new global digital platform for growers
  2. Integrated Logistic Control to enable nationwide auctioning
  3. The daily service provision

Steven van Schilfgaarde, Chief Financial Officer at Royal FloraHolland, explained. "We invest in digital to promote continued growth of the marketplace, for which the continued improvement of our daily service provision plays an essential part. With this new facility, we can realise all of our plans for 2018. It is a clear sign of the banks' confidence in our direction."

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Royal FloraHolland