Bouquet Rose Dianthus A Landscape And Cut Flower Dream

The Bouquet series of dianthus has now expanded to three colors making this cool season flower the top choice by savvy gardeners across the country. The first was Bouquet Purple that shocked everyone as it became a dianthus almost anyone could grow as a perennial. This was made public as it won awards in Minnesota and Mississippi the same year.

Then a few years later Bouquet Rose Magic made its debut. The blooms open white and mature to light pink, then a deep rose color. This means on one flower stalk, you will see all of these colors at once. Bouquet Rose Magic shows the most color variation in high light and cool temperatures in the landscape.

Then this year Bouquet Rose hit the market. The flowers are a deeply saturated rose color and really standout even when see from a distance. Gardeners and cut flower lovers are already raving about the quantity of cuts you'll get from this new addition to the series.

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