Canadian Growers Taking A Beating

Canadian nursery growers – the people who produce most of the trees and shrubs sold at garden centres – are taking a pounding as their American counterparts continue to find local buyers for their discounted products.

The problem is largely being driven by the strength of the Canadian dollar which has been trading at a slightly higher rate than the U.S. dollar for months.

Bruce Rutherford, in-house sales agent at Kato's Nursery in Abbotsford, says Canadian growers are feeling the impact of loss of sales caused by discounted U.S.-grown plant material, mostly trees and shrubs, being snatched up by landscapers and retail outlets eager to save a buck.

"The material is mostly trees and shrubs that have been grown over a three-or-five year period," he says.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Vancouver Sun