Consumers Love Phalaenopsis; Florists Can't Avoid Them

Consumers as well as florists agree: the Phalaenopsis is an attractive, easily maintained, durable and elegant flower. Most buyers looking for a pot orchid consider it their first choice and florists – knowing this – wouldn’t dare not stock the famous orchid.

A recent study by the Dutch Product Board for Horticulture signals that no less than 78% of polled shoppers in fact consider the Phalaenopsis an ‘attractive plant’, fitting both a modern and a classic style. Its popularity is also evident in some other statistics: 91% of consumers recognize it when shown a picture and 56% say they have bought the popular orchid before.

Other orchids which polled buyers state they find appealing are Miltonia (75%), Dendrobium compacta (70%), Vanda (67%) and Cambria (65%). Cymbidium surprisingly scores much lower, with only 39% of the polled public expressing enthusiasm. Dendrombium Nobilé is also not very popular.

The reason such other orchids play a secondary role in the market is thus not primarily an aesthetic one, it seems. Unfamiliarity, availability and a relatively high price level compared to Phalaenopsis play a more significant role.

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