Eco Labels 101: Green Certifications Explained

Right now there are over 400 green certification systems vying for the attention of earth-conscious consumers, so if you have trouble remembering what each little pictogram stands for, you are not alone. These eco labels are meant to distinguish green products and brands, but you practically have carry a pocket dictionary in order to decipher it all — and the task of identifying bright green products is only getting more daunting as large retailers, like Walmart, create their own systems of labeling. But fear not – Inhabitat has compiled an extensive guide of the most recognizable green labels around — think of this as your CliffsNotes guide to eco-certification 101!

FSC CERTIFIED (Forest Stewardship Council) – This certification accredits forest managers, manufacturing companies, and controlled wood products that exhibit responsible consumption of forest products. FSC is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization and the certification is completely voluntary.

SCS CERTIFIED calCOMPLIANT – Specifically focused on composite wood products, this label verifies that standards set by the California Air Resources Board are being met. Compliance requires that the producers or plywood, particleboard, MDF, and other composite products meet the limits for formaldehyde emissions.

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