Fides Oro Catalog Now Available

As of the start of Fides Oro, we really expanded our catalog! The result: the first Fides Oro catalog, full of pot, bedding, annual and perennial plants with Fides, Oro and Suntory collections!

Before every new cultivation season, Fides publishes her product catalogue. This keeps you up to date about our actual and full assortment and which chances this gives you to grow successful products. In the end, you are the one that has to turn the value of our genetics into profitable products. Just like on this website, we clearly indicate our novelties in the catalogues as well. You can also take a look at the products showed in the catalogue here.

Beneath, you can open the (printable) PDF version of our catalogue.

Pot and Bedding plants season 2011 / 2012
The complete seasonals and pot plants and patio plants catalogue, including the Fides, Oro and Suntory collections!

Fill in the contact form to order one or several catalogues, with subject ‘Request for product catalogue’. The catalogue will be send to you as soon as possible.

Click here to open the special webpage with a link to the catalog.

Source: Fides Oro