Greenheart Farms Introduces New Roses

Greenheart Farms, a producer of vegetable, ornamental and reclamation plants, recently unveiled the Garden Treasures collection, an annual collection of microminiature roses, developed for bedding plant–type applications. They can be sold in 2¼-inch pots and up to 1-quart containers.

These easy to grow, disease-resistant roses are well suited for solo or mixed containers, in-ground plantings and gifts, and dressing up patios and entryways.

This collection is characterized by its compact growing habit (a 12×12-inch maximum dimension), good disease resistance, heavy branches coming from the crown, small foliage, heavy blooming and self cleaning.

"We are looking forward to enhancing our rose programs here at Greenheart," said Bill DeVor, Greenheart's general manager. "These roses come straight from the Nor'East collection. Consumers, as well as growers, are going to fall in love with this versatile, easy to grow line of roses."

Liners will be available from Greenheart beginning July 1. The Garden Treasures collection includes eight varieties: Pieces of Eight, Rubellite, Blushing Mate, Star Ruby, Citrine, True Pearl, Gemstone and Crimson Treasure. For more information, visit

Source: Greenheart Farm