Orchid: The Ficklest Of Flowers

So beautiful and so exotic-looking, it’s easy to assume that orchids are difficult to grow.

But orchid experts say they’re surprisingly tough — especially the phalaenopsis, a particularly hardy variety.

“I would call those the king of the houseplants,” says Lynne Copeland, past president of the Orchid Society of Alberta (OSA). “I don’t think there is any other houseplant that you can grow that has as much to offer as those plants do. It’s easy. Anyone can do it.”

Ms. Copeland, who has been growing orchids for 11 years, currently maintains 250 plants in her southern Alberta home of Innisfail. “Once you’ve grown orchids, you never grow other houseplants again,” she says. “They’re very, very addictive, and they’re just so much more interesting and so much more rewarding, I think.”

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