Rose Society Of South Australia's Rose Of The Month: 'Red Intuition'

There is no other rose in the world like 'Red Intuition'.  It is a beautiful, striking Hybrid Tea rose introduced in 2000 as part of renowned French Rose Breeder Delbard's  "Painter's Collection".  Each rose in the Painter's Collection is multi-coloured with different colours displayed as stripes or splotches.

Red Intuition is a unique dual red striped rose – the petals are an exuberant Cardinal red with deep blood red stripes. It is a very eye-catching rose which commenced its career as an impressive cut-flower rose winning the prestigious "Cut Rose of the Year Award" in 2000 before making the transition to the home garden.  As a cut flower it has excellent long stems, superb vase life of up to 10 days and repeat blooms exceptionally well.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Rose Society Of South Australia