Checkoff Cuts Through 'Nutrition Noise' To Connect With Retail Dietitians

Pork is inspiring dietitians to help their clients rediscover the pleasures of healthy eating in the New Year, thanks to a unique Pork Checkoff conference held in late 2012 at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA).

"There's a lot of 'nutrition noise' out there, and consumers don't know what to believe," said Adria Sheil-Brown, a registered dietitian and manager of nutrition communications and research for the Pork Checkoff. "When we share the facts about pork with retail dietitians, there are many 'aha' moments where you can see the wheels turning in their heads."

The Pork Checkoff showcased all things pork to dietitians from its top 20 retail partners, including Meijer, H-E-B, Marsh, Hy-Vee, Nash Finch and others, during a two-day meeting at the Culinary Institute of America's Greystone location in California's Napa Valley. Speakers presented the latest pork nutrition research, harvested a pork carcass, highlighted the versatility of today's lean pork cuts, answered questions about modern pork production and shared ideas for in-store cooking and sampling demonstrations.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Pork Checkoff's Pork Leader