Homegating Headquarters

Homegating (hóm gât ing) verb;

  1. the act of hanging out with friends while watching favorite sport;
  2. to sit on comfy couches; to eat, to drink, and to make fun of people who sit in parking lots.

The beef checkoff has teamed with Wholly Guacamole and Wholly Salsa to share the best beef recipes and preparation tips for game day celebrations.

Hut Hut Hike … someone has to lead the team to a great party and we all know who the coach is — YOU! So we put our best players in a huddle and came up with a Party Playbook for everything you need to have a great party. You will find our ideas simple, fun and easy to execute. A party is about having fun and catching up with friends not cleaning the house or cooking for hours. Checkout our Playbook to find great plays like: Menu Planning, Decorating Ideas, Kid’s Korner, Bar Tricks, and even a Homegating Kit to get you started! 

So, encourage consumers to visit the website, and make sure YOU are ready for the SuperBowl game — Feb. 6, 2011.

Source: The Beef Checkoff