National Pork Board Elects New Officers

DES MOINES, IOWA – Steve Rommereim, a pork producer from Alcester, South Dakota, was elected president of the National Pork Board at the organization’s June board meeting in Des Moines, Iowa. The National Pork Board’s 15 farmer-directors represent America’s pig farmers.
“This is an exciting time to raise pigs, and I am honored to be elected to serve America’s pig farmers,” Rommereim said. “A decade ago, the We CareSM initiative was introduced during World Pork Expo to allow producers to demonstrate the care they take every day on their farms. Today, We Care continues to show pig farmers’ focus on doing what’s best for people, pigs and the planet. I look forward to continuing the great work already underway through many Pork Checkoff efforts.”
Rommereim is the owner, manager and operator of Highland Swine, which markets 10,000 pigs annually. He also grows corn and soybeans, as well as has a cow/calf operation.
Serving with Rommereim on Pork Checkoff’s executive officer team are David Newman, a pork producer from Jonesboro, Arkansas, as vice president and Mike Skahill, from Williamsburg, Virginia, as treasurer. Terry O’Neel, a pork producer from Friend, Nebraska, will serve as immediate past president. The four executive officers will serve one-year terms in their positions effective at the close of the June board meeting.

“In the year ahead, the Pork Checkoff will focus on driving consumer demand through sustainability,” Rommereim said.  “We will do this through programs that build the Secure Pork Supply plan and work to move fresh pork domestically and to market U.S. pork beyond our borders.”
Additional Biographical Information
Steve Rommereim is the owner, manager and operator of Highland Swine in South Dakota. Highland Swine markets 10,000 pigs annually. He also grows corn and soybeans, and has a cow/calf operation. In March, Rommereim was elected to serve a second term on the National Pork Board. He served as the 2017-2018 vice president and interim treasurer. During his tenure on the National Pork Board, he has served on numerous committees. The Operation Main Street speaker has served as a South Dakota delegate to the Pork Industry Forum since 2003. Rommereim was on the National Pork Board’s Plan of Work Task Force in 2009. He is past president of the South Dakota Pork Producers Association, serving on its board from 2001 to 2011. He also is past president of Agriculture United for South Dakota and serves on the South Dakota Animal Industry Board.

David Newman of Jonesboro, Arkansas, owns and operates a farrow-to-finish Berkshire farm in Myrtle, Missouri, that markets pork directly to consumers throughout the U.S. Newman is also an associate professor of Animal Sciences at Arkansas State University where he teaches and conducts research, with an emphasis in meat science.

Newman serves on the Swine Health committee and previously chaired the Domestic Marketing committee and served on the Producer Services committee. He also participated in the Pork Leadership Academy.

Michael Skahill of Williamsburg, Virginia, is a vice president for Smithfield Foods. Smithfield Foods is a vertically integrated operation from production to retail marketing. The company markets 16 million pigs annually.

Skahill serves on the National Pork Board Trade Committee, the U.S. Meat Export Federation Pork and Allied Industries Committee and chairs the trade committee for the North American Meat Institute. Skahill also served on the National Pork Board 2015-2020 Strategic Plan committee.

Terry O’Neel, was elected to his second board term in 2016, most recently serving as president of the board. He served as the 2016-2017 vice president and as the 2015-2016 treasurer. O’Neel also served on the Domestic Marketing, Producer Services and Pork Quality, Safety and Human Nutrition committees. He has hosted farm tours for the Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska, the International Water for Food Project and various service, student and youth groups. He served as president of the Nebraska Pork Producers Board in 2007.

The National Pork Board has responsibility for Checkoff-funded research, promotion and consumer information projects and for communicating with pork producers and the public. Through a legislative national Pork Checkoff, pork producers invest $0.40 for each $100 value of hogs sold. Importers of pork products contribute a like amount, based on a formula. The Pork Checkoff funds national and state programs in advertising, consumer information, retail and foodservice marketing, export market promotion, production improvement, science and technology, swine health, pork safety and sustainability and environmental management. For information on Checkoff-funded programs, pork producers can call the Pork Checkoff Service Center at (800) 456-7675 or check the Internet at

Source: The National Pork Board