Eastern Produce Council Announces Its Slate Of Officers & Directors For 2015/2016

The Eastern Produce Council announced its slate of Officers and Directors for 2015/2016 at its April meeting, sponsored by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture.

The two-year terms will be served by the following:

  • President – Vic Savanello, Director of Produce/Floral Allegiance Retail Services
  • 1st Vice President – Marianne Santo, Wakefern Food Corp.
  • 2nd Vice President – Greg Veneziano, Bozzuto's, Inc.
  • Secretary – Rob Goldstein, Genpro, Inc.
  • Treasurer – Sal Zacchia, RDD Associates

Also, two new directors who will give the Council a stronger retail presence were installed, they are:

  • Marc Goldman – Morton Williams
  • Chris Keetch – Ahold

President Vic Savanello has been a member of the Council for eighteen years. He is the chairman of the New York Produce Show and Conference Committee, co-chairs the highly successful Phil LaRocca/Pete Piastra Golf Outing, as well as the Strategic Planning committee, and plays a supportive role on the Leadership Committee.

Outgoing President, Paul Kneeland, Vice President of Produce/Floral/Seafood/Meat for Kings Food Markets/Balducci's was thanked for his time, vision, and leadership over the past two years.

Source: The Eastern Produce Council