In Season: Time For Fresh Lemons In Sacramento

Squeeze them, salt them, freeze them. Lemons put zest into cooking, but they don't stop there. After flavoring a dish, they'll help clean the kitchen.

And lemon lovers, you're in luck. A golden harvest is rolling into stores and farmers markets.

"There will be a plentiful crop of fresh lemons this year," said Claire Smith, spokeswoman for Sunkist Growers, "although the harvest in some parts of the desert areas will be a bit smaller than the previous year due to some freezing temperatures" early in 2011.

Lemons – second to navel oranges among our state's major citrus crops – are harvested year-round in California, which grows about 88 percent of America's lemons. According to National Agricultural Statistics Service estimates, California produced 840,000 tons of lemons during the 2010-11 season – up 8 percent from the year before – and is on track for an equal crop this season.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Sacramento Bee