'King Rustic' Debuts At Walmart Just In Time For The Holidays

HOUSTON — While the russet potato has been a fixture on kitchen tables across America for as long as . . . well, we've had kitchen tables . . . a new variety of russet is waking up taste buds just in time for the holidays with a smoother, moister and richer taste.

That's good news for potato lovers everywhere, considering the average American eats 142 pounds of potatoes a year or almost 365 potatoes per person – an average of about a potato a day.

All-new King Rustics from MountainKing, now available at Walmart in five pound bags, may look like a traditional russet potato, although they have a bit of a lighter, tan skin and golden flesh.  However inside the King Rustic is an altogether different story.

Ideal for baking, mashing and frying, its melt-in-your-mouth taste (even before you add the butter) actually was developed by the Dutch in the early 1980s.  Yet these King Rustics come from high atop the Colorado Rocky Mountains where the rich soil and snow melt makes for a potato grower's dream.

And what holiday table is complete without at least one potato dish?

The King Rustics will give a whole new meaning to holiday favorites such as Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Twice-Baked Sour Cream and Chive Potatoes, Mashed Sweet and Russet Potatoes with Herbs, Horseradish Whipped Potatoes, Baked Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese and a host of other great-tasting dishes.

Besides their great tastes, the King Rustics are jam-packed with vitamins, minerals and fibers, particularly in their peels, as well as antioxidants that may protect the body against certain types of cancers and heart disease.  One serving of potatoes provides 45% of the recommended Daily Value of vitamin C while one potato contains more potassium than a banana.

The King Rustics, like all MountainKing types, are naturally fat free, cholesterol free and contain no sodium.  Plus, they are low in calories and fiber-rich, providing between 5 and 16 grams of fiber per one-cup serving. According to the USDA, a good diet should include about 28 grams of fiber daily for an intake of 2,000 calories per day.

For recipes, cooking demonstration videos and more, go to www.mtnking.com and "like" MountainKing Potatoes on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MountainKing-Potatoes.  Also, "like" Walmart on Facebook at www.facebook.com/walmart and "follow" on Twitter @Walmart.

Source: MountainKing