New Texas Superstar Cherry Tomato Judged Four Times Sweeter Than Others

COLLEGE STATION – The BHN-968 cherry tomato’s name may be bland, but a San Antonio tasting panel found it sweeter than any comparable cherry tomato, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service horticulturist.

Not only is it one of the sweetest, but is one of the easiest to grow and higher yielding cherry tomatoes, said David Rodriguez, AgriLife Extension horticulture agent in Bexar County and member of the Texas Superstar board.

For these reason and others, the BHN-968 cherry tomato has been named a Texas Superstar for 2013, Rodriguez said.

Texas Superstar plants undergo extensive tests throughout the state by Texas A&M AgriLife Research and AgriLife Extension horticulturists, said Dr. Brent Pemberton, AgriLife Research horticulturist and chair of the Texas Superstar executive board.

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