America’s Cup Healthy Ocean Project Launches Program To Promote Sustainable Seafood

Twenty Five Lusk, Hog Island Oyster Co., Fog Harbor Fish House, and Pier 23 Cafe are among the first local restaurants to participate in the America’s Cup Healthy Ocean Project awareness campaign to promote ocean-friendly seafood among Bay-Area diners.

The America’s Cup Healthy Ocean Project is working with the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Aquarium of the Bay, The Golden Gate Restaurant Association, and OpenTable to help make sustainable seafood choices easier.

For the Summer of Racing, we are asking local restaurants to highlight sustainable seafood choices on their menus in exchange for promoting the restaurants to fans, spectators, teams, and partners.

“This is about creating awareness around an issue that directly affects the health of our ocean – and something as simple as what you eat for dinner can have a tremendous positive impact over time,” said Jill McCarthy, Head of Partnerships for the America’s Cup.  “Having a healthy ocean is critical for our sport, as well as the health of our planet.  Making sustainable seafood choices is a pillar of our Healthy Ocean Project campaign.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: America's Cup Event Authority LLC