Independent Supermarkets Call On Congress To Fix Pass-Through Structure In Tax Reform

WASHINGTON, DC  – Today, the National Grocers Association and 84 of its member companies and state trade association allies from across the United States, sent a letterto members of the U.S. House of Representatives, supporting comprehensive tax reform, but raising concerns regarding the treatment of pass-through entities in H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. NGA and our members urge Congress to enact reforms that create a more level playing field for Main Street Supermarkets that operate as pass-through businesses.

Approximately half of NGA’s member companies, including many family-owned businesses, are taxed as pass-throughs. Tax reform that fails to achieve rate parity puts these Main Street businesses at a competitive disadvantage and ultimately hurts their ability to grow and create jobs.

“America’s pass-through independent supermarkets are a large and vital part of the economy and the new lower business tax rate needs to reflect their importance by being broadly applied and effectively enforced. We urge Congress to support reforms that create a more level playing field for Main Street Supermarkets so they can grow their businesses and create local jobs.”

Chairman Brady took an important step by putting forth legislation that advances the prospects of enacting tax reform. NGA and our members are committed to continuing to work with Congress and the Administration to support tax reform that allows American companies to invest in their businesses, employees, and communities.

Click HERE to view letter.

About NGA

The National Grocers Association (NGA) is the national trade association representing the retail and wholesale grocers that comprise the independent sector of the food distribution industry. An independent retailer is a privately owned or controlled food retail company operating a variety of formats. The independent grocery sector is accountable for close to one percent of the nation's overall economy and is responsible for generating $131 billion in sales, 944,000 jobs, $30 billion in wages, and $27 billion in taxes. NGA members include retail and wholesale grocers, state grocers associations, as well as manufacturers and service suppliers. For more information about NGA, visit

Source: The National Grocers Association (NGA)