Kroger Ends Double Coupons, Slashes Prices

Kroger Co. will lower prices on thousands of items in its Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky stores, but at the cost of ending its popular double coupon program.

Starting Monday, Kroger plans to slash prices on 3,500 items in every grocery aisle, ranging from soy milk and bottled water to produce.

Kroger’s 110 area stores will continue to discount coupons at double their face values until March 1.

For Cincinnati-based Kroger, the country’s largest grocery chain, the move is a multimillion-dollar investment that will benefit all customers, company spokeswoman Rachel Betzler said. “We’re taking the expense that we had in doubling coupons and investing it into lower prices that will affect all shoppers, not just those who use coupons,” she said.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Cincinnati Enquirer