“Linner” Catches On Among Those Seeking Afternoon Delight

There's been a sudden profusion of afternoon delight in Manhattan, but not the kind Starland Vocal Band sang about. A growing array of eateries are squeezing in another meal, complete with new menus, to feed customers who turn up between 3 and 5 p.m.

Until recently, those hours had been a gastric wasteland, during which most restaurants closed to prepare for the dinner rush. Now they’re serving something that might be construed as “linner.” Or is it “dunch”?

“It’s a way to take advantage of the real estate,” says Justin Morel, general manager of Cookshop (156 10th Ave.). “We have the kitchen, we have the dining room, we have people coming off or going up to the High Line or on an art gallery crawl. It just makes sense to be able to offer them something to eat.”

Cookshop’s afternoon menu features some 16 items, ranging from a cutting board laden with a lip-smacking array of paté to a fresh salad composed of greens and huge sliced berries. There’s also a delicious selection of pizzas featuring ingredients seemingly plucked straight from the nearby greenmarket in Union Square. Not to mention the fresh oysters.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The NY Post.