New Bellevue, WA Hybrid Organic Grocery Store Hiring 100 People In Next Month

A hybrid organic grocery store will soon fill the vacant store front on Bellevue Way, across from Bellevue Square.

Your Local Market blends a natural, organic selection with the mainstream brands – such as Coca Cola, Doritos, and others – to make a one-stop shop.

"Your Local Market solves the problem of having to search within a 50,000 to 80,000 sq. ft. natural food stores and then still need to drive to additional stores to get the mainstream household items you want," said the market's founder Jason Brown, a Washington resident.

The store, is currently under construction and set to open Nov. 11, will have an 80 percent to 20 percent split of organic and mainstream groceries.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Bellevue Reporter