Great Lakes Seafood Workshop Highlights Health And Sales Benefits

A Great Lakes Regional Seafood Workshop held recently at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education Conference Center in Milwaukee, Wis., highlighted the nutritional benefits of eating Great Lakes fish.

The workshop was sponsored by the University of Delaware Sea Grant, the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network, and the University Of Wisconsin Milwaukee School Of Freshwater Sciences. Michigan Sea Grant presented on “Great Lakes Whitefish Marketing Case Study” to demonstrate how promoting the attributes of a Great Lakes fish can increase sales. Those who attended the workshop received seafood quality and safety training to increase their technical knowledge and understanding of important global, national, and regional and local issues and developments related to seafood safety and human health.

Doris Hicks, Seafood Technology Specialist for University of Delaware Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service, also discussed the benefits of consuming seafood. Health benefits from seafood consumption include reduced coronary heart disease, improved cognitive development in infants, and improved vision in children. Other potential effects, but less certain, include reduction of certain cancers, improved immunological response, delay onset of Alzheimer’s, and lessening the effects of depression.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Michigan State University Extension, Michigan Sea Grant