Gulf Council Tables Red Snapper Reallocation In Favor Of Sector Separation

Facing opposition on an amendment that would take a portion of the red snapper fishery from Gulf seafood providers for the exclusive use of recreational fishing, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Gulf Council) voted to defer further action on Amendment 28 until a vote has been taken on Red Snapper sector separation which will lay the groundwork for new management options for both the commercial and recreational sectors.

Citing the need for management changes in the recreational sector during its meeting held in Key West, the Council tabled further action on Amendment 28 until a vote is taken on Amendment 40, aimed at partitioning the recreational sector into private and for-hire components; an issue Gulf charter captains have lobbied.

“The Council made the right decision by deferring further action on red snapper reallocation until after they adequately address the needs of our charter boat community,” said Gulf Seafood Institute (GSI) executive director Margaret Henderson, who was present for the vote. “Based on the thousands of comments received by the Council, consumers and the general public agree that we’ve got to find a solution to the red snapper issue that enhances sustainability for the fishery, the fishermen and consumers. GSI stands ready to find that common ground.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Gulf Seafood News