Maine's Commercial Fisheries Rank Third In Value Nationwide

STONINGTON, Maine — Much has been said about how Maine ranks against the rest of the country when it comes to child well-being, income growth, bike-friendliness and, of course, doing business.

When it comes to the value of its commercial fish landings, however, Maine shoots past most of the others.

Many states aren’t included on the list, which was released last week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, because they are not located on the coast or Great Lakes and so have no commercial fisheries to speak of. But of the 30 states that do — most, if not all, of which have more people than Maine — only two rank higher: Alaska and Massachusetts.

Maine, which had commercial fish landings worth $426,500,000 in 2011, ranks third in the country, in large part because of its $334 million lobster fishery.

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