National Fisheries Institute Expands Social Media Profile

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) is expanding its social media footprint with LinkedIn, Pinterest, and a social media video blog. NFI is currently on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, as well as several blogging platforms.

NFI’s social media strategy both promotes seafood to consumers and addresses issues within the seafood community.

Pinterest is a great platform for NFI to share recipes and information about health benefits,” said Lynsee Fowler, NFI’s Communications Coordinator. “The Pinterest audience, which is estimated to be about 80 percent female, is known for its interest in food, health and nutrition. So, pairing great visuals with useful information makes it an ideal vehicle for NFI to promote seafood.”

The new NFI company page on LinkedIn speaks more to stakeholders and the media, with insight into current issues that the seafood community cares about.

NFI is also launching a social media video blog (vlog.)

“A major trend online is the amount of time people spend watching video content,” says Fowler. “NFI’s vlog will be an easy way for our audience to keep up with developments on a multitude of social media platforms.”

The vlog will focus on current social media projects and encourage participation.

NFI is already home to the popular food blog, Blog About Seafood, where Jennifer McGuire, a registered dietitian and NFI’s Manager of Nutrition Communications post about 3 times a week. And the Media Blog continues to be the go-to platform for holding the press accountable for lapses in reporting about the seafood community.

For more than 60 years, the National Fisheries Institute (NFI) and its members have provided American families with the variety of sustainable seafood essential to a healthy diet. For more information visit: 

Source: National Fisheries Institute