Pangasius Exporters Upset Sen. Cochran Beat Back Repeal Of Catfish Inspection Rule In Farm Bill

The new five-year farm bill the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate compromised on this week  failed to cut out the U.S. catfish inspection program, putting a barrier on catfish imports into the United States.

As written into the 2008 Farm Bill, the $14 million per year program would assign inspection of catfish imports to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a rung of the inspection chain that could pose serious threats to imports.

Undercurrent News, in a report written from the perspective of exporters of catfish into the United States, blamed Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran for getting a repeal of the USDA inspection requirement scratched from the Farm Bill.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Mississippi Business Journal