Cattlemen’s Beef Board Elects New Officers At 2022 Winter Meetings

February 11, 2022 The Beef Checkoff Program

Cattle producers Norman Voyles, Jr., Jimmy Taylor and Andy Bishop are the new leaders of the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion & Research Board (CBB). This officer team is responsible for guiding the national Beef Checkoff throughout 2022.

Thirty-Five Years of the Beef Checkoff: How the National Research and Marketing Program Works

October 20, 2021 Beef Checkoff

Thirty-five years ago, the Beef Checkoff program became a reality. Established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill, the Beef Checkoff is funded by producers and beef importers who pay a $1-per-head assessment on animals they market or import. The national marketing and research program has one primary goal: driving demand for beef. While the Beef Checkoff has been around for more than three decades, it’s a complex program that can be difficult to understand, even for those in the beef industry.

Fun New Video Series Teaches About The Beef Checkoff

The Cattlemen’s Beef Board and Oklahoma Beef Council have collaborated on a series of entertaining videos that explains how the Beef Checkoff works.

Beef Checkoff: Who’s Who & How It Works

For three and a half decades, the Beef Checkoff has existed to promote beef, but unless you are actively engaged in the program, you may not fully understand its management and oversight.

A World Without The Beef Checkoff

Certain interest groups have launched a full-court press to – in their own words – call for “an up or down vote on the termination” of the 35-year-old program. But what would the cattle industry look like without the Beef Checkoff, whose entire mission is beef promotion, research and education?