Court Finds Federal Government’s Plan to Rebuild Sardine Population off U.S. West Coast is Unlawful 

May 7, 2024 Oceana

Judge Virginia K. DeMarchi ruled that the Fisheries Service’s rebuilding plan for Pacific sardines failed to prevent overfishing and did not ensure the population would rebuild within the legally required timeframe. To address these legal flaws, the Fisheries Service must develop a new rebuilding plan and ensure that their catch limits are set at a level that prevents overfishing and ensures rebuilding.  

Earthjustice Files New Legal Actions to Protect Anchovy and Ocean Wildlife as Fisheries Service Again Ignores Court Order

February 5, 2021 Earthjustice

Earthjustice, representing Oceana, has filed two legal actions calling for responsible, science-based management of northern anchovy — an important food source for whales, sea lions, brown pelicans and salmon.