Fisheries and Fishermen Hard Hit by Decline of Oysters On Gulf Coast

December 2, 2019 DEBBIE ELLIOTT, WJCT

Record flooding on the Mississippi River sent too much fresh water into the Gulf of Mexico, killing oysters and crippling other seafood harvests that depend on saltwater to survive.

Low Salinity Wallops Oysters in the Chesapeake Bay

Rain has dealt a serious blow to the Chesapeake Bay’s oysters — and to the people who make a living harvesting, cultivating or restoring them.

November Marks the Start of Texas Oyster Season

The fall season also calls for oyster season and locals are preparing to get out on the water. November officially kicks off the season and the Texas Parks and Wildlife is reminding people of regulations for those hitting the water

Florida’s Oysters in Apalachicola, Cedar Key Face Climate Threats to Survival

Climate change isn’t a primary suspect in the stunning extermination of Apalachicola Bay oysters, a calamity pegged to a variety of atrocities.

UNH Researcher: NH Commercial Oyster Farming Industry Gains Ground, Has Substantial Growth Potential

New Hampshire’s commercial oyster farming industry is strong and growing, with the substantial growth potential to increase production, according to a researcher with the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of New Hampshire.