The Kraken: Revo Foods Releases the World’s First Vegan Octopus

March 28, 2024 Revo Foods

The new Revo creation is ready to eat but can also be heated (grilled, fried, baked…). “THE KRAKEN” is suitable for recreating traditional octopus dishes but plant-based. This allows some classics of Mediterranean cuisine to be prepared, such as a plant-based version of the Spanish “Pulpo a la Gallega” or a Greek “Octopus Salad”.

World’s First 3D-Printed Vegan Salmon Now in Supermarkets

September 19, 2023 HOLLY LARGE, IFL Science

The alternative fish fillet, dubbed “THE FILET – Inspired By Salmon” by its creator, the food tech startup Revo Foods, is thought to be the first 3D-printed food to reach supermarket shelves. In a statement seen by IFLScience, the CEO of the company Robin Simsa said, “With the milestone of industrial-scale 3D food printing, we are entering a creative food revolution, an era where food is being crafted exactly according to the customer needs.”