Alvarado Street Bakery Receives Green Jobs Award

Petaluma, CA — Alvarado Street Bakery has been selected as one of ten recipients of the 2010 Green Jobs Award. The award was presented in New York City November 16th at an awards dinner. Joseph Tuck, Alvarado Street Bakery’s CEO, was present to accept the award.

With support from the Citi Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, SJF Institute and Green For All have partnered to launch a Green Jobs Award Program, which seeks to identify, recognize, and promote private companies that are leaders in quality green job creation. The award honors businesses that are making valuable contributions to both the economy and the environment. Award recipients are judged on the quality of their jobs and benefits, the diversity of employment opportunities, and their level of community engagement.

When speaking about the award Joseph Tuck said, “This is a significant award for the bakery and it is national recognition of the significance of what we do here at Alvarado Street Bakery. As a worker owned co-operative we like to think we are focusing on providing quality jobs and that we are looking after our workers. Receiving an award like this tells us that we are doing just that and that again we are providing corporate America with an example of a sound business that takes pride in looking after every worker with good working conditions, a living wage and quality benefits. This award following the recent positive focus on the bakery in the Michael Moore movie 'Capitalism, A Love Story' wraps up a great year for us at ASB.” Tuck also pointed out the bakery’s new solar panels. “The solar project will supply around 40% of the Bakery’s yearly electricity needs, enough electricity to power around ninety homes.”

Alvarado Street Bakery began producing whole grain organic baked goods for the local community in 1979. Today, Alvarado Street Bakery is one of the largest worker owned cooperatives in the United States and specializes in sprouted whole grain breads and bagels that are sold in grocery stores and natural food stores both nationally and internationally. The bakery's mission is to support sustainable agricultural practices and healthy living utilizing a worker owned and managed cooperative business structure.

Source: Alvarado Street Bakery