Energy Guide In The Works As Bakers Take Challenge

As East Balt Commissary Inc., Northeast Foods, and Pan-O-Gold begin the ENERGY STAR® Challenge, ABA starts work on the Energy Management Guide for the Baking Industry (“Guide”). Congratulations to our bakers for taking the challenge and we look forward to their participation in developing the Guide.

The Guide will summarize trends in energy use within the baking industry, provide an assessment and discussion of available energy efficiency opportunities, and focus on commercially-available technologies. Further, this tool will briefly highlight water use and water efficiency for the baking industry. The next meeting to discuss the development of the Baking Industry Energy Guide is scheduled for June 12 at 2 p.m. EDT. For more details, please contact Rasma Zvaners, ABA Policy Director

To read the rest of the story, please go to: American Bakers Association