Essential Baking Company Embodies The Measure Of Success

The smell of freshly baked bread is arguably one of the world’s most sublime aromas. A British study last year found that the smell of baking bread topped the list of all-time favorite scents, beating out sizzling bacon, freshly mowed grass and hot-brewed coffee.
Those survey results would not surprise master baker George DePasquale one bit. The son of a large Italian family from Long Island and co-founder of Essential Baking Company, one of Seattle’s first artisan bakeries, DePasquale grew up making and baking bread. 

Every weekend, his extended family would assemble to prepare the week’s food. It wasn’t long before DePasquale found that bread baking was, well, his cup of tea.  “I liked the smell of it,” he said. “I liked working the dough and forming the loaves. Sure, I did my share of cleaning fish and rolling out pasta, but I always had an interest in bread, although, honestly, I never thought I’d grow up to be a baker.”

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