Jeffrey Hamelman To Teach Wood-Fired Oven Breads Class For The Bread Bakers Guild

Sonoma, CA – Certified Master Baker Jeffrey Hamelman will teach a Bread Bakers Guild of America master class on wood-fired baking at the King Arthur Flour Company in Norwich, Vermont, on April 26-27.

“Breads from the Wood-Burning Oven” is part of The Guild’s 2013 regional event series, The Guild’s Greatest Hits: 20th Anniversary. In this hands-on class, which is aimed at advanced bakers who are new to wood-burning ovens, participants will learn about the challenges of wood-fired baking and how breads baked in a conventional oven differ from those baked in a wood-burning oven. They will learn to bake breads like Five-Seed Sourdough, Flatbread, Miche Pointe à Calliere, Wood-Fired Pizza, and Socca, a chickpea flatbread from Southern France and Italy.

Hamelman is an employee-owner of the King Arthur Flour Company and was captain of Bread Bakers Guild Team USA 1996. He is the author of the acclaimed Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes, which has been called “the definitive guide for professional and serious home bakers,” and he was the 2005 recipient of The Guild’s prestigious Golden Baguette Award (now the Raymond Calvel Award), which recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to the advancement of artisan baking. He is the Director of the King Arthur Flour Bakery.

The King Arthur Flour Company is America’s oldest flour company, founded in 1790. Today it is an employee-owned, open-book, team-managed company. Education is a significant part of its mission.

The Guild’s Greatest Hits: 20th Anniversary, offers updated versions of popular classes from past years. These events are part of The Guild’s mission to “shape the skills and knowledge of the artisan baking community.” Please visit to see the complete 2013 calendar.

The Bread Bakers Guild of America is a non-profit organization comprised of professional bakers, farmers, millers, suppliers, educators, students, home bakers, technical experts, and bakery owners and managers who work together to support the principle and the practice of producing the highest quality baked goods. It was formed in 1993 to shape the skills and knowledge of the artisan baking community through education.

A class flyer and registration form for “Breads from the Wood-Fired Oven ” may be downloaded at

Source: Bread Bakers Guild of America