Kontos Foods’ corporate kitchen in Paterson adds homey touch

Creating a stunning corporate kitchen was a bit of a no-brainer for the Kontos family of Kontos Foods. The Paterson-based company decided to design an inviting place where they could gather with potential clients to show off their pita breads and other Mediterranean-style foods.

“It’s a spot to have a taste and talk,” says CFO Nancy Kontos. “We’re foodies, so we gravitate toward the kitchen.”

Though the Kontos family now courts massive food distributors in their corporate kitchen, they started with rather humble beginnings. Nancy tells of her father-in-law, Evris Kontos, bringing over his mastery of fillo making from Cyprus to Paterson. He developed a machine that was able to roll out thin layers of fillo dough (which creates the flaky bread in pastries like baklava) to sell it in local markets.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: North Jersey Record