Pepperidge Farm Closing Aiken, SC Bakery

Pepperidge Farm is closing its bakery in Aiken. The company said it was part of a program to improve the utilization of its manufacturing network.

Bill Livingstone, senior vice president, supply chain and operations, said: “The bakery industry in the United States is becoming increasingly consolidated and competitive. In order to continue to grow and flourish, Pepperidge Farm needs to be innovative and agile, with the most cost-effective manufacturing facilities.

 “We recently reviewed our operations and identified excess capacity in our bakery network,” he continued. “As a result, we evaluated a number of different options to address this. We made the difficult decision to close our plant in Aiken. It is a very good bakery with great people, but it has limited production capabilities, and we’ve recently discontinued a product that accounted for a significant amount of its volume.”

Livingstone added that the company recognized it was a difficult decision for the employees working at the plant.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Aiken Standard