Raleigh Baker Redefines Sweet Treats

While she was growing up, dessert was a staple in her diet.

But when Kathryn Volpe became a serious athlete and CrossFit coach, post-workout replenishment came to the forefront of her priorities. And as the owner and head baker of Raleigh-based Sweet Pea Bakery, Volpe wants to transmit this healthy lifestyle to her customers, catering to an all-natural diet that's gaining national traction.

Meet Paleo chocolate chip cookies, one of Volpe's signature creations. Grain-free, gluten-free and dairy-free, these treats are designed to satisfy the biggest sweet tooth without sending energy levels plunging. And it's not just diet-friendly cookies that Volpe's whipping up in her apartment kitchen, but breakfast breads and even almond butter cups, which are comparable to Reese's. Both her Paleo and classic products are selling well, with 30 to 40 percent of sales online and the rest coming from wholesale retail outlets interspersed throughout Raleigh, American Underground and CrossFit kitchens.

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