TORONTO, ON — Born on Christmas? New Year’s? Leap Day? Not fun. But who said your birthday had to be on your birth date?
As Naanconformists, we at Stonefire® have been encouraging people to swap their typical bread, food and lifestyle for something awesome (like our tasty naan). Now, to celebrate our 10th birthday we’re asking people to do something even more Naanconformist: swap their non-fun birthday for our #naanFunBday.
We’re inviting anyone with an unfortunate birthday to upgrade it to ours on May 19th. Share a birthday with your ex? Not if you change it. Born on the fourth of July? Not anymore. Heck, we’re even giving presents to the first 25 people who ditch their birthday and tell us why it bites.
And of course, being Naanconformists, you know the party is going on all week. So get ready for giveaways, recipes you’ve never heard of and a live cooking class!
The party starts May 17th and ends the 21st (or whenever your Naanconformist heart desires). Swing by @stonefireflatbreads on Facebook and @stonefirenaan on Instagram to celebrate our birthday. And maybe even your new birthday, too.
About Stonefire® Authentic Flatbreads
Stonefire® Authentic Flatbreads is proud to produce authentic Naan, Mini Naan, Naan Dippers®, Pizza and Flatbread. Made using the finest ingredients and traditional baking methods Stonefire® Authentic Flatbreads creates perfectly baked flatbreads consumers can enjoy at home. No artificial preservatives, flavors or colors. Available in the deli or bakery sections of most major grocery stores. Visit Stonefire® Authentic Flatbreads at www.stonefire.com.