Unconventional Desserts: How Extreme Are You Willing To Go?

According to Merriam-Webster, the word unconventional is defined as "not bound by or in accordance with convention; being out of the ordinary." In a world where cupcakes, cake pops and froyo have taken up residence, major players in the dessert industry are left wondering how to make their business offerings unconventional. Ever thought of Red Bull® in your gelato? Waffles as a pastry? Bacon in your froyo? As consumers' taste buds become more adventurous, business owners and pastry chefs are continuously challenged with creating the next big thing, while some believe in sticking to the traditional flavors and pairings that have brought in sales for years. Let's take a look at some eccentric dessert fusions we may see in 2013 and reasons you should think outside the box.

Daring Flavor Fusions

In recent years, unique flavor pairings have started popping up in gelato and frozen yogurts. Consumers are looking past standard vanilla and chocolate and going for something out of the ordinary to wow their taste buds. Although some consumers can't seem to wrap their tongues around a savory item as a sweet treat, many are intrigued by these flavors and embrace the odd pairing. Don't miss out on these flavor fusions, tested and approved by PreGel!

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