Why Are Gluten-Free Diets So Popular?

Since I've resolved to eat more conscientiously and healthy, I decided to take this week to try an elimination diet, meaning going caffeine-, dairy-, alcohol-, and gluten-free, among other restrictions. So far my biggest struggles have been not having that much-needed cup of coffee in the morning and having much more limited lunch and dinner options, even at the salad bar. But I am also finding that while it's hard to go gluten-free, cravings-wise, the gluten-free diet's popularity means that it's not so tough finding acceptable food options at the grocery store or at restaurants.

Some people need to remove gluten from their diets because of gluten allergies or celiac disease, but it seems like this diet trend is growing more than the population of those with gluten sensitivities. More and more gluten-free products are lining the aisles at the supermarket, celebrities are swearing by the effects of going gluten-free, and even fast food has gotten in on the game.

Read on to find out why this diet is so popular.

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