Rogue Creamery's David Gremmels Appointed To Oregon Governor's Sustainability Board

June 28, 2012 Rogue Creamery

Rogue Creamery’s coowner, David Gremmels, has been appointed by Governor Kitzhaber to serve on Oregon’s Sustainability Board as a commission/board member. David's appointment was approved by the full Senate. The day of the appointment, Gremmels met with Senator Alan Bates, a long time supporter of sustainable business practices, who is pictured below. Governor Kitzhaber said “he is most appreciative of the time, energy and thoughtfulness David brings to this position."

MontCabrer Captivates With Charcoal-Coated Rind

Montcabrer, an aged Spanish goat cheese, is among the gems exclusive to Michele Buster's company, Forever Cheese. Produced by Josep Cuixart, the same Catalan cheesemaker who devised the lovely Nevat, Montcabrer is a semi-firm, lightly pressed 3-pound wheel matured for two to three months.

Brillat-Savarin, Named For The Famous French Gourmet & Writer

I like to keep an eye on the cheese case at Sam's Club because every now and then something really unusual pops up in there. Recently, I was surprised and delighted to find a row of imported buttons of fresh Brillat-Savarin from the French company Fromi, beckoning seductively from behind a veil of dried papaya chunks.

Greenland Brand Thalaga Cheese

I was recently at Aihua, our largest international market, and was impressed with the selection of cheeses. I was particularly intrigued by a cheese I've never seen before, Greenland brand Thalaga Cheese, because the ingredients specified it was made from buffalo milk. That's pretty unusual.

Holland's Family Cheese Introduces Marieke Golden, A New Semi-Soft Cheese

June 26, 2012 Holland's Family Cheese

Holland's Family Cheese introduces Marieke Golden, a new, semi-soft cheese celebrating the Penterman family's Dutch heritage while capturing the distinct character of Wisconsin's terrior.