12 California Cheeses That Everyone Should Know

May 23, 2012 Henry Cram, KCET

One may think of Europe when one thinks of great cheese, but over the past few years California dairy farmers have been stepping up their game, and the Golden State is now home to a wide range of truly excellent cheeses, from cows, sheep and goats. Some of the best are listed below — what are your favorite California cheeses?

Italy Earthquake Destroys Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Cheese

Cheese producer Oriano Caretti woke up to the shaking earth, and then to the roar of some 30,000 39-kilogram (86-pound) wheels of Parmesan cheese crashing to the ground in the warehouse next to his home.

Bandon, OR Cheese Is Back

It's a moment of redemption for many in Bandon, including city officials, who have mourned the loss of the cheese factory since it closed several years ago. Hand-cheddared two-pound loaves of sharp, medium and mild cheese, cheese curds and five to seven types of specialty cheeses will once again be made in Bandon, possibly as soon as next February.

Florida Joins Artisan Cheese Movement

Winter Park Dairy may have been a pioneer in producing natural, raw milk artisan cheeses in Florida, but it is not the state's only cheese producer. The artisan cheese movement that started in this country in the early 1980s with big names like Maytag Dairy Farms and goat-cheese pioneer Laura Chenel has hit the Sunshine State with a vengeance in the past few years. We recently visited three cheese producers that represent different styles, different animals' milk and very different agendas.

Placon Introduces New Line Of Tamper-Evident Deli Containers Made With 100% Recycled PETE

May 21, 2012 Placon

With the growing demand for deli containers manufactured with recycled content, Placon Corporation of Madison, WI now offers Evolutions, a new line of environmentally responsible deli containers that feature tamper-evident lids with tight-fitting, high performance seals assuring maximum product freshness.