Black Flowers & Foliage Are Gaining Ground In The Garden

Black or dark flowers and foliage impart a deep and sophisticated note of drama to a gay garden scene of colorful daylilies, daisies and dahlias. The contrasts are striking and effective. Dramatic ornamental grasses, cannas and trailing black sweet potato vines make familiar garden colors look even brighter.

Michigan Wholesale Floriculture Ranks Third In Nation

Michigan maintained its third place national ranking in value of wholesale sales of floriculture products in 2010, behind California and Florida, according to the June report of the United States Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Emerald Coast Growers Catalog Serves As Plant Trend & Demand Barometer

July 6, 2011 Emerald Coast Growers

When Emerald Coast Growers produces their annual catalog, they aren’t just filling the pages with attractive plant photos. They’re focused on giving their customers a guide to the latest plant trends and demand fluctuations. The philosophy has made the annual book an essential tool for their grower and broker customers alike.

Joe Lamp'l To Speak At Ball Seed Customer Day, July 29

During Ball Seed Customer Day, July 29, visitors will tour acres of display and trial gardens, see the new Ball Premier Lab, and get insight into today’s home gardener from featured speaker Joe Lamp’l, executive producer and television host of “Growing a Greener World.”

UK Retailer Morrisons Launches Beyonce-Inspired Diva Bouquet

According to Morrisons, its Glastonbury store received a number of floral requests from pop stars at the festival, including one from a "leading lady", believed to be from Beyonce’s team, for a selection of while roses, carnations and freesias for her dressing room.