Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Reestablishes NACMPI Charter, Appoints 2010-2012 Members

July 16, 2010 USDA FSIS

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has reestablished the charter of the National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection (NACMPI) and appointed members of the Committee for 2010-2012.

Wyoming Tribe’s Beef Deal With Whole Foods Ends

A deal for the Northern Arapaho Tribe in Wyoming to sell organic, grass-fed beef to Whole Foods Market Inc. has fallen through, a beef distributor said Wednesday.

Pork Retailer Finds Niche With Local Consumers

July 15, 2010 The Pork Shoppe

Niche marketing in local areas can be a real asset for farmers and ranchers and for the community. At The Pork Shoppe, a retail meat business established by my mother-in-law and me, we sell pork products direct from the farm to consumers via farmers markets. We also offer farm pick-up and delivery, in addition to selling our meat at a retail market and a few restaurants.

New Nolan Ryan’s Hickory Smoked Beef Franks

Nolan Ryans All-Natural Beef is expanding their product line with Hickory Smoked Beef Franks. These fully-cooked all-beef franks are made from the finest beef available and are just in time for 4th of July grilling!

New Traceability Implementation Guidance Document Issued For U.S. Meat & Poultry Supply Chain

July 15, 2010 mpXML

A new implementation guide for applying traceability standards in the U.S. meat and poultry supply chain was announced today by the Meat and Poultry B2B Data Standards Organization (mpXML) and GS1 US.