Qlikview Becomes Analysis Tool Of Choice For Major Poultry Processor

July 19, 2010 Visual Data Group

As one of the nations top 10 largest poultry processors House of Raeford delivers its product in as many forms as consumers demand: freshincluding whole and bonelessground, cured and smoked. The company also has extensive processing facilities and makes fully cooked chickens and turkeys whole and proportioned, kitchen-ready and prepared, for retail and food service customers.

V-Bar-V Ranch Explorers Day To Discuss Grain-Fed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef Cattle

Spend a day on the V Bar V Ranch, learn about ranching in the southwest, and enjoy a V Bar V Ranch beef barbecue lunch with fresh-from-the-coals Dutch oven cobbler for dessert.

Perdue Incorporated Strategic Analysis Review New Company Profile Published

July 16, 2010 CompaniesandMarkets.com

Perdue Incorporated (Perdue) is a vertically integrated agribusiness company. Perdue is engaged in manufacturing food and agricultural products. It specializes in offering poultry products such as ready-to-cook whole birds and parts, prepared foods and sliced meats.

Chisholm Trail Longhorn Beef Available In New Dallas Area Location

In early March it became available for the first time to at-home chefs and now Chisholm Trail Longhorn Beef is partnering with Dallas-area health food store Natural Health Shop, to provide multiple locations for health-conscious eaters to purchase nutritious red-meat to enjoy in their favorite home-cooked meals.

Congress Considers The Beef About Animal Antibiotics

More antibiotics are used in farm animals than in people in the United States, according to the Pew Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming. A growing number of experts are questioning the possible side effects, including new forms of bacteria that are antibiotic-resistant.